Welcome to the Kajakpolo Shop
The Kajakpolo Shop is specialized in products suitable for the canoe polo player.
You can find paddles, spraydecks, kayak clothing and much more by browsing our categories on the left. If you are having problems using the site, or you want to request a special product, don't hesitate to contact us at helpdesk@kajakpolo.be.
Who or what is the Kajakpolo Shop?
The Kajakpolo Shop was founded in 2010 by Tom Van Wesemael.
being an active canoe polo player myself, it was easy to see that the Belgian market had a supply problem when it comes to specifiek canoe polo material.
The Kajakpolo Shop tries to change this by bringing paddles, jackets, shirts, shorts and other items close to the players right at competitions and tournaments.
Currnelty, we only sell at these events, but in the future a shopping location might open up.
Featured products
How to order?
You can find us at some international tournaments or you can order via mail at helpdesk@kajakpolo.be. Items can be shipped on request, but easiest is pickup.
Shipping to : Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
If you are in Belgium, come and find me at kayakclub GEKKO (Gent).

Details: Tom Van Wesemael, player for GEKKO 1 (usually Division 1) - nr 4.